Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/invisible0000/
Discord - gawrgoomba
Send me a request and explain why you added me, I don't mind as long as you're not a scammer.
Currently, I'm working solo. I have a professional web domain name purchased already for when it comes time to incorporate a development company. Reach out to me on Discord if you're interested in helping out with my current project.
My current project centers around 2D, top-down, action-roguelike, with Diablo/Vampire Survivors/Binding of Isaac inspiration. I hope it can grow to stand with the greats.
Looking for help with:
Let me know if you have an asset pack you think is appropriate, or if you are interested in doing custom work. I can offer one-time payment or you can be attributed as a co-developer depending on scale of help offered.
I work professionally as a senior software developer at a large company. I've been playing games since I was 5 years old, and I've wanted to make games for about the same amount of time. I've tried many times in the past, but always got stuck on either the complexity of art / visual assets, or getting too "into the weeds" of custom engine creation. This go-around, I am sticking to what I am best at, and eliminating unnecessary complexity by leveraging a well-known engine (GameMaker Studio) with licensed assets from itch. You may notice me following your account or adding assets to my collection -- I am trying to document all authors I feel will come in handy for my project, and adding them to my collection ensures I properly attribute them when it comes time.